Many thanks to our Donation Drive 2024 donors!

Julie Aamoth

Kathy Acheson (“In honor of Kathy Acheson”)

Felicia Nimue Ackerman

Ellen Adams

Alston Ahern

Suzie Akina

Theresa Alberti

Cathy Allee

Rita Allen

Robin Alpern

Janet Anderson

Christine Andrews

Alli Angell

Joelle Anthony

Patricia Arndts

Karen Arrett

Judy Arzdorf

Lynne Baab

Julie Bachman (“In honor of my mother, Karen Kratzer”)

Cathy Bailey

Dana Baird

Jean Baney

Krista Barrett

Pam Bartholomew (“In honor of Lona Falenczykowski”)

Brenda Batten

Kristine Beeson (“In honor of Shelley Harris”)

Julia Bell

Tacy Bell

Stacy Benedict

Kristin Bernhard

Therese Bigelow

Sharon Bigot

Shira Billet

Peg Bindner

Sara Biren

Michele Blake

Anne Bloomenthal

Melanie Bluhm

Debora Bodenheimer

Marlena Boggs

Bonny Brae Bolander

Sarah Bonello

Betsy Booth

Violeta Bosworth

Sharon Boudreau

Elizabeth Brama

Radhika Breaden (“For Jennifer Davis-Kay”)

Mary Britton

Marilyn Brooks

Mary Brown

Susan Brown

Diane Brunn

Jennifer Buccholz

Jenny Bunn

Stacey Burford

Louise Burg (“In honor of Lucy H. Ewing, Suffragist")

Lynn Burns

Rebecca Burns

Brandi Caillouet

Beth Camp

Diane Campbell

Marla Campbell

Kate Carlin

Deborah Carpenter

Martha Carroll

Barbara Carter

Bonnie Catron

Stacy Charlesbois

Julia Christian

Julie Chuba

Deb Celinski

Mary Chayko

Christina Cipriano

Patricia Clarke in Minneapolis

Patricia Clarke in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Shelli Clarke

Mary Climes

Shirley Cockburn

Jody Biergiel Colclough (“For my two girls, Betsy-Tacy Society members Iris and Evelyn”)

Sara Collins

Laila Comolli

Anne Cook

Judy Corson

Mary Costello

Janie Cox

Kendra Daniel

Amy Davenport

Ben Davenport

Matt Davis (“In honor of my sister, Jennifer Davis-Kay”)

Jennifer Davis-Kay (“In honor of my work wife and dream collaborator, Michelle May!”)

Katharyn Dawson

Kate De Lanoy (“In honor of my mom, Tracey, who introduced to Betsy, Tacy, and Tib”)

Gail Dean

Elizabeth del Sol (Tacy’s granddaughter!)

Stephanie Dempsey

Linda Dial

Sarah Dillahunty

Nancy Downing

Nancy Driver

Wendy Dybdal

Patricia Effenberger

Susan Elledge

Alison Emery

Jennifer Epstein

Kara Eulgen

Connie Fahling (“Our own priceless Jennifer Davis-Kay!”)

Lona Falenczykowski

Susan Farnum (“For Shelley Harris and all the good she does for her community!”)

Barb Fecteau (“In honor of Richard L. Fecteau”)

Barbara Fick

Stephanie Fiedler

Lisa Finch

Linda Fletcher

Shelby Foster

Stephanie Franzosa

Mary Gebben

Janice Geiger

Laura Gellott

Judy Genco

Linda Gesling

Helen Gift

Mary Ann Gilbertson

Katherine Gillenson

Michelle Giorlando

Mary Glascock

Laura Glassel

Marcia Goldberg (“In memory of my dear friend Sally Hand”)

Riki Goldberg

Jan Gorden

Dawn Grage

Ann Griffin

Ellen Grod

Genevieve Grove

Lissa Grubbs

Gail Haberland

Susan Hackman

Kathleen Hamill

Robyn Hansen

Cheryl Harness (“In honour of our birthday lady and in memory of my cousin Myrna and our girlhood together”)

Kevin Harris (“In honor of Michelle Harris”)

Shelley Harris

Blaire Hartley

Deborah Hendrikson (“These books have meant a lot to me!”)

Verlinda Henning (“In honor of Jen Davis-Kay and in memory of her husband Woody”)

Leslie Hertz

Beth Hilleke

Christine Ho

Jess Hobart (“In honour of JDK who is brilliant and whom I admire for putting one foot in front of the other even when things are hard”)

Anne Homza (“In honor of friendship”)

Shirley Hou

Carole Huber

Melissa Hudak (“To all the lovely people I’ve met virtually thanks to Betsy and Maud ")

Judy Hurley

Julie Ianetti (“For my little Abbie!”)

Sheila Irons

Rachel Jacobson

Julie Janssen

Barb Jensen

Cindy Jett

Debby Jewett

Cary Jewkes

Elizabeth Johnson

Laurie Johnson (“For Katie McKee and Mary Mannes”)

Ruth Johnson

Karen Jones

Marianne Jones

Lani Jordan (“In honor of fundraiser extraordinaire Jen Davis-Kay!”)

Teresa Judd

Kim Kadletz

Julie Kamps

Rebecca Karstad

Elizabeth Kelly

Laura Kennedy

Susan Kies

Caroline King: “In honor of Marion Willard Everett” (aka Carney! 💜)

Diane Kipp

Nancy Kirsch

Joan Kirschner

Kirsten Klym

Marcia Kochel

Mary Koger

Frank Komatar (“In honor of Susan Wagenhals, who exemplifies the concept of live the life you envision”)

Joan Kossock (“For Rhys Mitchell”)

Carla Kozak (“And an additional $10 for Jen – honey, let’s bring it over the top!”)

Mary Ellen Kuchta

Jacqueline Lambiase

Sheila Lane (“In honor of Shelley Harris”)

Laura Lee (“In honor of Julia Lee, and also Jen D-K's tireless work on behalf of the BTS”)

Andrea Lerum

Amy Lester

Nora Lee Liederbach

Jenn Lindsay

Rebecca Loader (“In honor of Susan Wagenhals”)

Donna Loeffler

Dona Lowe

Abby Lutman

Eileen Lyon

Susan MacCulloch

Myrna Mai

Mary Markland

Shirley Marquez

Constance Martin (“For Kathy Baxter”)

Sara Martin

Sara Matson

Phyllis Mattill

Susan Mavrinac

Melissa Maxwell (“In honor of Jennifer 😆”)

Michelle May

Stephanie Mayer

Nancy McAvoy

Nancy McCabe

Sue McCandless

Christina McCann

Michele McColum

Tacey McDonald

Ann McGarity (“In memory of Patricia Sideris”)

Carol Marie McGann McGee

Heather McGovern

Ruth McGregor

Barbara McLaury

Kate McManus

Janice McNulty

Jenny Mealey

Barbara Mengarelli

Ginny Messina

Gabrielle Meyer (“A birthday gift to myself! Maud and I share the same one”)

Elizabeth Miller

Janice Millford

Marian Milling (“In honor of Susan Davis”)

Cheryl Mills

Claudia Mills

Kim Moon

Cynthia Mortensen

Virginia Moyer

Grace Munoz

Madalyn Munoz

Toni Murphy

Aniko Nagy

Amy Nelson

Susan Nemchick

Vicki Newell

Leah Newman (“In honor of my mom, who passed along her love for the Betsy-Tacy world”)

Suzanne Nezin

Maria Nicolassi (“In honor Jen, who is very persuasive! 😊”)

Karen Nolan

Elizabeth Norton

Tammy Orozco

Jennifer Page

Nancy Parode (“In honor of Edward Eager – in his book Knight's Castle, a main character, Ann, loves the Betsy-Tacy books, and that's how I found them!”)

Kay Parucki

Bridget Paul

Lucia Paul

Marcia Pavwy

Heather Pazmino (“In honor of Lois Esteban”)

Diane Pearson

Jennifer Peeler

Cathryn Pergande

Mitali Perkins

Anne Phillips

Gina Marie Pitti

Janet Piworski

Elizabeth Porter

Melissa Posten

Elizabeth Power

Diane Poythress

Mary Pratt

Melissa Prycer

Lynne Querzoli

Brenda Radosevich

Emilee Randall

Joy Reges

Cynthia Richey

Josephine Richstad (“For Erica, my Julia”)

Anne Rickert

Molly Riseling

Christina Roach

Wendy Robelo

Kelly Robert

Sue Rokos

Tricia Rolek

Margaret Root

Melissa Roselle

Sarah Rudnick

Mary Jo Ruppert

Bonnie Ruth

Susann Rutledge

Kathy Sacco

Jan Sasser

Bobbie Scheff

Rita Schepmoes

Mary Schleif

Laura Amy Schlitz

Rebecca Schmitz

Caitlin Wilson Schommer

Julie Schrader

Peggy Schuerholz

Andrea Schwartz

Dawn Scialabba

Mary Scott

Paula Seefeldt

Susan Shanahan

Naomi Shanks

Janine Shapley

Elizabeth Sheahan

Julie Sheffieck

Ivan Shellenbarger

Betsy Sherman

Linda Sherwood

Linda Keir Simons

Angela Simpson

Jessica Smasal

Rachel Smoka-Richards

Carey Spain (“For Cheryl Mills”)

Susan Stanfield

Amy Stark

Joanne Stein

Katherine Straznickas

Courtney Struthers

Letitia Suk

Betsy Sundquist

Stacey Swigart

Charity Tahmaseb

Mary Tanghe (“For Lona Falenczykowski”)

Robin Tanner

Stuart Tarmy (“For Michele Blake”)

Juliann Tarsney

Courtney Taulbee

Elizabeth Tavasci (“For my beloved grandmother, Kathryn Hanson”)

Laura Taylor

Elizabeth Teare

Chantelle Thomas

Donna Titleman

Cara Todd

Leslie Todd

Deanne Tolzmann

Ann Topjon

Valerie Toner

Allison Tran

Kelly Tucker

Kathleen Turner (“In honor of Ila Flathers, long-time owner of Tacy's house”)

Susan Tuttle

Stacey Ulferts

Kari Vanhoozer

Patrice Vick

Kathleen Vincenz

Brita Vitello

Hannah Voss

Susan Wagenhals

Kathleen Waldron

Ann Wallace (“In memory of Jackie Ritchie”)

Caroline Walters

Christine Ware

Catherine Waters

Katie Watts

Jessica Weissman

Susie Welsh

Monica Westerlund

Carrie White

Rhonda Whiting

Jennifer Wilson

Marilyn Williamson

Jamie Wimble

Amy Wittak

Kristin Woizeschke

Gretchen Wronka (“In honor of Kathy Baxter”)

Ronda Wynne (“For Darlene Loebrick, my mom, who helped me find these books and built my love for reading”)

Katherine Young

Toby Young

Laurie Zaepfel

Barbara Zagrodnik

Jan Zumwalt